Parish Plan
The Parish Plan was developed by a Parish Plan Steering Group in consultation with members of the Parish Council and a majority of residents of the village.
To view the document click on the image; you will need to have a copy of Adobe Reader installed on your computer; if you don't have a copy, you can download the reader from the Adobe web site.
Background to creating and updating the Parish Plan
Putting together a Parish Plan is an intensive exercise; the following takes you through the journey carried out over more than one year to create the Plan adopted in 2013:
Informal Neighbourhood Plan
The Informal Neighbourhood Plan builds on the Parish Plan, and its recommendations. The most important of these was that Milton Malsor should remain a village separate from Northampton and nearby villages which 95% of 473 respondents deemed ‘very important’ or ‘important’.
Since then a West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan stated that Northampton town should not extend south of the M1 which the parish council sought. However, there are still concerns about the effects such as traffic by large scale housing developments in areas south of the town and nearby villages.
Under the Localism Act we have the opportunity to set out what residents have said they most want. The Informal Neighbourhood Plan, approved at the council’s meeting on 10 December 2013, is incorporated by SNC in its next ‘local plan’ to safeguard residents’ interests for the next 15 years at least. The government made it clear that such a plan must allow for a reasonable increase in housing or it will not be accepted. Therefore, additional homes are proposed on a site at the edge of the village. At least 40% of these new homes will be ‘affordable’ and managed by a housing association. In 2015 a major house builder expressed interest in carrying out our proposed development and is in touch with the landowners. Provisional layouts have been provided for Parish Council approval.
Housing Needs Survey
The Parish Plan identified a need for affordable housing in the village. South Northamptonshire Council was commissioned by the Parish Council to undertake a detailed village housing needs survey in 2006. The SNC report giving details of the survey and its results is now available. The Parish Council is continuing to work with SNC to develop affordable housing in the village as soon as possible.
To view the document click on the image; you will need to have a copy of Adobe Reader installed on your computer; if you don't have a copy, you can download the reader from the Adobe web site.
Background to creating and updating the Parish Plan
Putting together a Parish Plan is an intensive exercise; the following takes you through the journey carried out over more than one year to create the Plan adopted in 2013:
- In November 2003 the Parish Council applied to the Countryside Agency for a grant to produce a Parish Plan. The application was successful and a grant of up to £2482.50 was awarded in February 2004.
- An independent Steering Group was drawn together from volunteer residents of the village and members of the Parish Council, and a plan was developed for the 12 month project.
- During the months of June to August 2004 residents of the village actively involved in groups and activities were invited to raise awareness of their group at an Open Day. A focus group discussion was held for elderly residents who were less likely to be able to attend the Open Day to ensure their views were incorporated.
- In September 2004 an Open day, referred to as the “Future Ideas and Needs Day” (FIND) was held at the Village Hall to provide the entire village community with an opportunity to identify local issues and inform the development of a questionnaire.
- At the end of November 2004, and following a pilot survey, a total of 310 Questionnaires were distributed by a group of 30 volunteers to each household in the village and local businesses. A total of 248 completed forms were collected reflecting the views of households and businesses representing 581 people. A response rate of 80% was achieved. Information was collated and analysed using a software package - “Village Appraisals” - produced by the University of Gloucestershire in collaboration with the Countryside Agency.
- By February 2005 the Questionnaire results had been analysed, and audited independently.
- Conclusions, and recommendations for action, were then developed by the Steering Group and discussed with members of the Parish Council to ensure feasibility and relevance.
- At the beginning of March 2005 the Steering Group made a presentation of the conclusions and recommendations to village residents. At the end of the presentation, further comments were invited and discussed.
- By the end of March 2005 the Milton Malsor Parish Plan 2005 had been completed and presented to the Parish Council for adoption at the 12 April 2005 Parish Council meeting. Following adoption, the Plan was distributed to relevant bodies including the Countryside Agency and South Northamptonshire Council (SNC), and made available for public viewing.
- The Plan was updated in 2013 and adopted by SNC in 2014.
Informal Neighbourhood Plan
The Informal Neighbourhood Plan builds on the Parish Plan, and its recommendations. The most important of these was that Milton Malsor should remain a village separate from Northampton and nearby villages which 95% of 473 respondents deemed ‘very important’ or ‘important’.
Since then a West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan stated that Northampton town should not extend south of the M1 which the parish council sought. However, there are still concerns about the effects such as traffic by large scale housing developments in areas south of the town and nearby villages.
Under the Localism Act we have the opportunity to set out what residents have said they most want. The Informal Neighbourhood Plan, approved at the council’s meeting on 10 December 2013, is incorporated by SNC in its next ‘local plan’ to safeguard residents’ interests for the next 15 years at least. The government made it clear that such a plan must allow for a reasonable increase in housing or it will not be accepted. Therefore, additional homes are proposed on a site at the edge of the village. At least 40% of these new homes will be ‘affordable’ and managed by a housing association. In 2015 a major house builder expressed interest in carrying out our proposed development and is in touch with the landowners. Provisional layouts have been provided for Parish Council approval.
Housing Needs Survey
The Parish Plan identified a need for affordable housing in the village. South Northamptonshire Council was commissioned by the Parish Council to undertake a detailed village housing needs survey in 2006. The SNC report giving details of the survey and its results is now available. The Parish Council is continuing to work with SNC to develop affordable housing in the village as soon as possible.
This page last updated 12-04-2017